Saturday, November 17, 2012

My Manifesto, yo!

The government's role in economic activity should be minimal. Their role, overall, should be to set regulations for corporations use of the economic system so consumers won't be overtaken by corporate greed. In the event that the system is abused, the government should step in and resolve the issue through the use of the justice system and the should step in and temporarily control and manage the economy when it takes a downturn. And with the bailouts that have occurred, its alright for the government to do so if the money used if from an emergency fund not from other essential services that Americans need.

In the current situation of unemployment, the government should provide assistance to those who are unemployed for a limited period of time to lessen any other potentially harmful effects unemployment could have on the economy and the livelihoods of those affected. Since the government governs us, it's their responsibility to take care of use when we are hurting, but not for an extended period of time. An eventual complete cut off needs to be in place to prevent abuse of the system since some people may feel that the government will provide and they don't have to search for a new job. When it comes to aiding citizens in the search for work, the government should provide tools for people in search of a job and maybe have free online tools on how to build or polish off a résumé and how interview for a job. Just providing these basic skills can help those unemployed.

Taxes should be collected by the government since they provide services to us. The current tax system works fine, but what is a major flaw are the tax breaks the wealthy get. Logically, if you earn more money, than you generally pay more for everything. This should also apply to taxes. Just because their loosing more income per year to taxes does not mean the wealthy will not be able to sustain the lifestyle they treasure. If the wealthy contributed their fair share of taxes without going through loop holes and other ways to avoid paying more taxes, our government would have more money to pay off the debt or for other public services.