Friday, September 21, 2012

The Market Economy System

In a market economy, an outstanding strength, to me, is the people being a part of the decision making. We do help steer the economy in terms of what to do with scarce resource and we also have a voice in the what the economy does. That's important to me because I feel that not a few powerful individuals should be able to say what our needs are.

A weakness, or disadvantage, that I believe is a major flaw in a market economy system is that those who are dependent on others for their well-being (young/old people and those who are terminally ill) don't have all the services required to meet their needs. All the other people in society and those dealing with the economy or more focused on what the demands are of majority of the population that they forget about those who are usually not present in the face of our economy. To me, that is something that we need to place more focus on when we're dealing with the economy.

Overall, the best strength of a market economy is our ability to each have a voice in the way the economy works, but with that also comes the disadvantage of not meeting the needs of the neediest people in our society.

Question: Is the government the only organization that sets aside money for programs to help the elderly?

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