Sunday, January 13, 2013

Manifesto 2.0, yo!

If a large corporation that would severely impact the government went out of business, the government has the responsibility of subsidizing that corporation in order to contain the impacts of the failed corporation on our economy and the global economies as well. If the corporation were left to pick up the pieces themselves, then affects on other industries and businesses would plunge our country into a deeper recession having catastrophic affects on our power, wealth, and ability to purchase goods in the global markets. By downgrading our wealth in the world, our country's rank in economic strength could potentially be driven behind other industrial powerhouses such as China.

After looking at the 2011 budget, my manifesto leads me to criticize it because there is a deficit of over $1 billion and part of why that has occurred is from mandatory spending. I think that many citizens, taxpayers, and politicians would agree that the mandatory spending should be reevaluated and have some spending cuts placed upon it in order to control the wild deficit that should have been taken care of years ago. How could U.S. leaders be alright with such an imbalanced budget? Can't they see how much damage this has caused to our economic stability? All I know is the mandatory spending should be reevaluated and maybe our budget should be cut down to 20% mandatory spending and 80% discretionary spending. Then our leaders would be caused to think and control the deficit since they would be at blame for a massive deficit and they couldn't use the law as a scapegoat any longer.

As stated above, a large contributor to our debt is the law. It is written that so much should be spent on certain programs when we don't actually have the funds to support the mandatory spending. If the law were to be rewritten, U.S. leaders would be more in control of the annual budget. Our debt would slowly decrease over the next decade or so in result. In order to decrease our debt, I propose that the wealthy should be taxed more, government officials should take a pay cut or pay freeze in their salaries, and the budget laws should be rewritten to allow for more than half of our spending to be discretionary than mandatory. With leaders in control and not the law, our debt would be slowly eliminated.

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